Monday, 26 November 2012

Balance of Payments

Y11 Learning Objectives for today:
TO understand the main components of the Balance of Payments
To understand the impacts of a current account deficit and current account surplus.
What is the balance of payments? It is made up of the current account and capital account.
You need to know about the current account - which is made up off visible trade and invisible trade.
Your task today is to: Find out the top exports for 5 different countries
Find out what services are currently exported by the UK and US?
What is meant by the term current account deficit?
What are the impacts of the term current account deficit?


  1. You can create a revision tool that mindmaps this information.

    However those of you going for higher grades will be able to back up your research with charts/data/stats about exports and imports into a country.

  2. Mrs told me to blog this, Tokelau is 10kmsq and exports $100,000 of stamps every year

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A link to a Guardian graph detailing UK exports and growth in export partners:
